Our travels have taken us to Key West. Filled with the wacky and the wonderful it is a place like no other.The water around Key West is the most gorgeous teal! The beautifully restored buildings and the open air bars and restaurants make an interesting blend in this southern most town in the contiguous United States where hens and roosters roam free. We explored the town and toured President Truman’s Little White House, a fascinating look at this vacation retreat used by Presidents Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy.Several other Presidents have visited as well.It has been restored to its 1948 appearance with many furnishings of great historical significance. We saw the Key West Lighthouse and the home of Ernest Hemingway which we had toured on a previous trip. The weather again turned threatening and the wind blew for days.When the wind let up enough to allow for safe navigation we moved to Boca Chica Key, home of Naval Air Station Key West with its exceptional marina for military families.We have explored the Mangrove islands by dinghy, ridden our bicycles around the base and watched F-18s in the landing pattern.We are now in a “holding pattern” ourselves as we will remain here until the wind again subsides and the next expected large storm passes before continuing our travels along the Keys to Miami. We can report that the temperatures have improved to their normal range and life is good!