Harry and Leslie departed their home as scheduled on April 20. We have been so touched by the cocktail parties, dinner parties, and well wishes from of our friends at Rivers Edge. Our friends Jack and Phyllis Sexton took us to the Marina where we shared a bottle of champagne to toast the cruise one more time before our departure. After they left us, we took one look at our home for the next year and apprehension washed over us. Where would we put all of this stuff? We have been working toward this day for many months, it is exhausting closing up a home for such an extended absence so we had a light dinner and went to bed. The next morning, instead of beginning our trip, we dug in and got organized. By evening, we were “ship-shape”, we were ready. Now Mother Nature had different ideas and brought winds of 30 to 40 miles per hour so we remained in our slip at St James, NC one more day and continued with even more preparations. On the morning of April 23rd, we slipped off the lines and departed on our greatly anticipated journey along America’s Great Loop! Our first day took us to Surf City where we met Leslie’s Aunt and Uncle for a delicious Thai Dinner and another “Bon Voyage”.

On Friday our destination was Cape Lookout near Beaufort, NC; we dropped the hook inside Lookout Bight and are currently enjoying a gorgeous day in this protected anchorage.